Please join us on Sunday, January 26 to celebrate Reducing CO2 Emissions Day here at the Zoo! Explore ways to join us in our efforts to reduce our emissions, like composting, purchasing renewable energy, reducing water usage, and more. Our actions here in Pennsylvania will allow us to make a difference across the globe!
-10 A.M. Scuba Divers in Open Ocean
-10:30 A.M. Second Chance Sea Turtle Feeding
-10:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. Touch Tables at Aquarium Lower Level
-10:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. Touch Tables at Water’s Edge Event Space
-12:30 P.M. Story time at Water’s Edge Event Space
Featured story: Compost Stew: An A-Z Recipe for the Earth, by Mary McKenna Siddals
-1 P.M. Sea Otter Enrichment & Meet the Keeper