Guests visiting the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium will experience a living park with live animals in a primarily outdoor setting, subject to all weather conditions. Due to changing conditions including health, safety, operational, or weather concerns, certain animals may be unavailable for viewing, and areas of the park may close unexpectedly.
Please observe the following policies for the health and safety of your group, our animals, and staff members. Guests may also like to review our Accessibility features, or check our Operations schedule for any daily modifications.

Updated November 8, 2023. Ticketing policies are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Pittsburgh Zoo.
The Zoo is a rain-or-shine facility. Provided the Zoo is able to open and maintain basic operation, the Pittsburgh Zoo adheres to a no-refund, no-credit, no-substitution, no-rain check policy.
The Zoo retains the right to close for general admission or cancel an event. Guests with pre-purchased tickets for admission on this day or for a specific event will be offered a reschedule or refund opportunity, at the discretion of the Zoo.
All rescheduling requests are evaluated at the discretion of the Pittsburgh Zoo. Rescheduling requests are not guaranteed, as they depend on availability and are likely to incur additional fees, as outlined below or for specific events.
The Zoo offers discounts and periodic free admission for qualifying guests; please check our Discounts page and Events page to see standing and upcoming offers. Unless otherwise noted, special offers must be redeemed at admission gates. Guests who qualify for discounts but purchase advanced online tickets will not receive price adjustments or refunds after purchase.
Only tickets obtained from the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium or parties authorized by the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium to sell/distribute tickets will be honored. To verify authenticity, contact the Zoo at 412-665-3640, ext. 0.
Zoo tickets purchased and not used will not be refunded.
By purchasing tickets, you agree to the Zoo’s visitation policies.
Expanding on the above general ticketing policy, “General Daytime Admission” includes daytime entry to the Zoo between the approximate hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. (seasonally dependent, with additional hours available during peak season) and any self-guided experiences during your visit.
Daytime Admission tickets include valid use details directly on the ticket. Tickets may include a valid date, expiration date, or other limitations. Admission tickets may only be used in manners listed on the ticket.
Flex tickets, or any tickets received as part of a sponsorship, contest, donation, gift, or media trade are subject to limitations and expiration dates listed on the ticket and cannot be rescheduled.
General Daytime Admission Plan-Ahead Tickets must be used on the date listed on the ticket. Learn more about Plan-Ahead tickets here.
Guests wishing to reschedule their pre-purchased general admission Plan-Ahead tickets to an alternate available date may call the Zoo’s main line at 412-665-3640 or email [email protected] 48 hours in advance to request a reschedule for $5 per ticket. As a rain-or-shine facility, requests to reschedule Zoo tickets due to weather conditions will be denied.
Single online daytime admission Plan-Ahead purchases that include 15 or more general admission tickets of any age range automatically receive a $18 flat rate (effective January 1, 2024) on daytime admission tickets in their shopping cart. Prices subject to change. Group discount only applies to Plan-Ahead general daytime admission tickets.
The single QR code on the bulk ticket receipt is valid for all admission tickets purchased on the existing bulk order. The number of attendees arriving from the group will be recorded each time the code is scanned at gates. The order receipt and QR code can be printed/forwarded to all members of the group and the same QR code will be scanned to record the appropriate number of guest arrivals as they arrive.
The Zoo is unable to add additional tickets to existing discounted orders. The Zoo will not maintain a list of uniquely identifiable attendees, so please be sure your QR code is only offered to your approved group attendees. Additional guests beyond the original discounted order will need to purchase tickets at the going admission gate rate.
Per above general ticketing policy, tickets purchased but not used by group attendees will not be refunded.
Schools, colleges, daycares, scouts, camps, and other educational institutions can apply to receive additional discounts and options for additional classes here.
Visitors may leave the park and return on the same day during daytime operation. Any visitor wishing to do so must have their original receipt to be granted re-entry. Re-entry will only be granted on the same day of purchase as the original admission.
This includes educational classes, on-grounds ticketed meals, evening experiences, behind-the-scenes tours, and more.
Unless otherwise specified for a specific event, all cancelations must be made at least two weeks prior to the start of your event. In the event of a cancelation or change, the Zoo will retain a transaction fee and processing fee.
There are no refunds for any cancelations made less than two weeks prior to the start of your scheduled event.
Note that contracted Private Events are subject to terms and conditions listed on the contract.
For educational programs, please refer to the policy that is specific to your class.
Visitors are to stay on public pathways only. Barriers between you and the animals such as rails, moats, rocks, and fencing are there for the safety and protection of both you and the animals. Please do not lift children over rails or barriers, allow them to play on rocks, rest them on railings, or stick fingers or arms through fences. Do not enter non-public areas and stay on the main pathway and in visitor areas at all times. Violators will be prosecuted.
To ensure a safe and fun visit for all guests, staff, and animals, please be sure to read all safety notices on this page before visiting the Zoo.
The Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium respects the wildlife we care for, the communities we serve, and our team. The Zoo prohibits behavior that is intentionally disruptive to any fellow visitor, volunteer, vendor, member or staff, or wildlife. Such behavior can include, but is not limited to, harassment, intimidation, and/or discrimination of any kind, including physical, verbal, or non-verbal abuse. Violation of this policy can result in removal from the premises without refund, and/ or permanent ban from the grounds.
Please do not feed any animals at the Zoo. Resident Zoo animals are not domesticated pets and all of our animals’ diets are closely monitored by our vet and keeper staff. Please observe all safety requirements.
Personal pets are not permitted on Zoo grounds, in the parking lot, or unattended in cars. Guests must leave pets at home or arrange for off-grounds pet care services. Guests with service animals are welcome and may reference our Accessibility page for our Service Animal policy.
The Zoo cannot assist with or accept found/injured wild animals from the general public. The Zoo works with official local, regional, and international networks to assist in such cases.
Balloons, disposable straws, loose glitter and confetti, and any objects intended for throwing (balls, Frisbees, paddleballs, etc.) are very dangerous to animals and are not permitted inside the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium for any reason.
For the health, safety, and comfort of all guests, proper attire must be worn at all times, including shirts and appropriate footwear.
Provocative, revealing, or offensive clothing is prohibited. Disguises, costumes, or articles of clothing that conceal a visitor’s identity are prohibited. There are specific costume guidelines for special events such as ZooBoo; please refer to the policy on the website’s event page.
Masks and other face coverings are acceptable for personal health or religious reasons.
Guests participating in special programming such as events, educational classes, or animal encounters may be required to wear a mask or, in some situations, show proof of COVID vaccination. Guests participating in any special programming will be alerted to requirements prior to involvement in the special event.
The Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone who refuses to comply with the dress code.
Guests are welcome to visit the Zoo in personal wheelchairs or electric mobility scooters. Guests are also welcome to bring strollers or personal wheeled devices like wagons so long as they are under the control of an adult.
Please remain on the pathway throughout your visit. All permitted wheeled devices must use the elevator located next to the escalator when entering the park.
Heelys, skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, standing scooters, hoverboards, and roller skates are not permitted on Zoo grounds. Unauthorized motorized vehicles other than wheelchairs or mobility scooters are not permitted on the Zoo paths.
Visit our Accessibility page to learn more about mobility assistance, including use and rental of wheelchairs and seated electric scooters.
Visitors cannot bring glass containers, anything that needs to be cooked, grills of any kind, or any alcohol into the park during normal business hours. We do not offer storage lockers or places to store coolers/picnic lunches. Visitors can bring in “bagged lunch-style” food or leave food or belongings in their vehicles (at their own risk) and return to the car to get them throughout the day. If the visitor chooses to do this, a receipt is required for re-entry to the Zoo.
There are also picnic areas within the park and, as long as they are not reserved for the day (noted with a sign), visitors are welcome to utilize these areas for eating outside food or consumables purchased in the park. Anything left in a picnic area unattended is at the visitor’s own risk and is not recommended.
Food and drinks are available for sale on grounds. Guests rrenting a space at the Zoo for a Private Event should check with the Events team regarding contracted catering requirements.
The Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium is a rain-or-shine facility. Rain checks and refunds will not be granted. In the event of severe weather, visitors may be refused entry into the park, or if already in the park, visitors may be asked to relocate to indoor facilities.
Due to changing conditions including health, safety, operational, or weather concerns, certain animals may be unavailable for viewing, and areas of the park may close unexpectedly. Visitors must comply with staff requests in the event of an emergency situation.
Visitors are encouraged to find and notify the nearest Zoo personnel of any situations requiring first aid attention or separated members of a party. Zoo staff are trained to assist in such situations.
First aid locations are identified on our map.
The use of tobacco products, as well as all smoking and vaping, is prohibited on Zoo grounds. Guests must leave Zoo grounds to use these products.
- Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited on Zoo grounds.
- Heelys, skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, standing scooters, hoverboards, and roller skates are not permitted on Zoo grounds. Unauthorized motorized vehicles other than wheelchairs or mobility scooters are not permitted on the Zoo paths.
- Balloons, disposable straws, loose glitter and confetti, and any objects intended for throwing (balls, Frisbees, paddleballs, etc.) are very dangerous to animals and are not permitted inside the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium for any reason.
- Laser pointers are not permitted inside the Zoo.
Lost and Found
If you or a member of your group lost something during your visit, items located by staff are relocated to our Education Complex for safe keeping and pickup. If an item has not yet been recovered by staff, or if you need help retrieving your item once you’re off grounds, please complete our lost and found form.
Zoo employees frequently take photos/videos of our grounds for promotional use. Your visit constitutes implied consent to be photographed/recorded and to have that media published on the Zoo’s website, social media, promotional materials, and/or in publications. An attempt will be made to alert guests who may be notably featured. On days when the Zoo is hosting third-party professional media shoots, notice will be posted at the entrance gates.
For more information regarding professional film and production photography policies, please download our Zoo Policy for Professional Film and Production.