Forest Protection


Deforestation is the destruction of forests and woodlands through cutting, burning, or clearing of plants and trees. This process destroys homes for both animals and humans and disrupts the delicate balance of the earth’s ecosystems.

As a result, more than 18 million acres of forest, an area equal to the size of Poland is destroyed every year. That amounts to 2.4 acres of land destroyed per second and 149 per minute.

Deforestation could be much less devastating. By making small changes, we can have a major positive impact on our planet.

What You Can Do: Protect Forests

  • Purchase certified furniture and wood. Certified furniture and wood is made from tree that were legally and sustainably harvested.
  • Reduce your consumption of animal products. Forests are destroyed to make room for livestock and less land is needed to produce plant-based food.
  • Recycle and reuse paper, glass, and plastic.
  • Purchase products made from recycled materials.
  • Plant a garden and enjoy homegrown fruits and vegetables