African Elephant

[Loxodonta africana]


Quick Facts

Size: Adult African elephants range between 19 to 24 feet in length and 10 to 11.5 feet tall. These animals can weigh anywhere between 13,000 and 19,000 pounds.

Lifespan: 60-70 years

Color: Gray

Range: African elephants are found in most African countries excluding the Sahara and tropical rainforest of the Congo.

Habitat: Forests, partial deserts, and grasslands

The African elephant generally has no natural predators because of its great size.

The African elephant is the largest living land-dwelling animal. Until recently, they were broken down into two subspecies, the African bush elephant, and the African forest elephant, but these two groupings are now largely considered to be two separate populations of the same species.

African elephants are herbivorous animals, meaning they eat shrubbery, vines, herbs and tree leaves.

Location in the Zoo: African Savanna